Paola Santini Dosal

Undergraduate Student

Curriculum vitae


Marine Biology

University of Central Florida

Harvesting Energy From Whale Soundwaves


 Whale populations worldwide face significant threats due to ship collisions, while renewable energy sources remain a critical area of focus to mitigate the effects of climate change. This research proposes a novel approach that harnesses the energy generated by whale soundwaves while simultaneously utilizing the same soundwaves to aid in whale collision avoidance. The research entails the development of a specialized underwater energy harvesting system designed to capture the acoustic energy produced by whale vocalizations. These vocalizations, primarily in the form of low-frequency soundwaves, can be intercepted and converted into usable energy through innovative transducer technologies. The harvested energy can then be utilized to power onboard systems or contribute to the grid, reducing dependency on traditional non-renewable energy sources. Simultaneously, this system also incorporates advanced algorithms and acoustic sensors to detect and interpret the unique sound signatures produced by whales. By analyzing the received soundwaves, it becomes possible to identify the presence and location of whales in real time. This information is then relayed to nearby ships, enabling them to adjust their course or speed to avoid potential collisions with whales, thus minimizing the risk of fatal accidents. Future research includes studying whale vocalizations, behavioral patterns, and establishing the relationship between specific vocalizations and ship collision risk. Data collected will inform development of accurate collision prediction models and optimize the energy harvesting system's efficiency. The anticipated outcomes of this research are twofold: first, a sustainable and renewable energy source derived from whale soundwaves, contributing to the global effort to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions; and second, an innovative collision avoidance system that aids in protecting whale populations from ship strikes, thereby conserving marine biodiversity. 

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